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Monday, November 30, 2009

Sleeping over at a friend's house(30-11-09)

On Sunday I went to my friend's house to overnight.I felt very happy to see my old friend again.We had lots of fun.We went to bed at twelve something.But I woke up at midnight because the radio was on.When it closed I slept peacefully again(for a while).Then I woke up again because I heard the baby cry.When the baby was done with it's crying I slept again.The at ten something I woke up but my friend was still sleeping.So I woke him up.We then swam and after that I wemnt home..................

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Double treat (28-11-09)

Yahoo!Yesterday my friend came to my house to overnight, I am going to overnight at his house.Yesterday I swam at his house and was boy it was fun.I felt so happy to play with my friend.He is actually my first friend.I met him since I was born.We went to the same kindergarden and we stayed at the same condo(not anymore).I miss him very much.When I was eight years old I shifted into a banglo(believe me,I don't like it)and I couldn't see him for a long time.And so as you can see and understand how I feel when I met him again....=)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Christmas carol(26-11--09)

Yesterday(at twelve fifteen a.m)I went to watch a Christmas Carol at Mid Valley.It was a nice movie.Actually they didn't think of the story,they kind of copied the story from Charles Dicken I think.Anyway still the animation was nice.I was very happy to watch a Christmas Carol.But this time,sorry guys I can't tell you the story because the story is sort of obvious to figure out.After the movie finished(at two a.m) I was of course sleepy.ZZZZZ..............

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2012 (23/11/09)

This Monday I watched a movie called 2012.It was about the end of the world.It was a nice movie.So many disasters.Tsunami,earthquake and volcano eruption.The movie is also quite sad.So many people died.Though the end is very similiar to a Bible story in the Old testament.They even took two animals of different spesies each.There were also three electronic ark.Very similiar,eh.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A good Sunday (22/11/09)

Last Sunday was a good Sunday.It is because at night I ate delicious food.I ate it at Times Square.I ate at a Chinese restaurant.It was a Christian meeting.The food there are pigskin,chicken,sushi.The last Food was Cake.It was for dessert.Somebody birthday I guess.I was tired.I went there at seven thirty.When I reached there I felt nervous(but happy).But when I left I felt sleepy.Oh, and I forgot to mention that there were shark fin soup.I was so happy.All of them were speaking chinese so I couldn't understand them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Eugene's BD party (21/11.09)

Last Saturday,I went friend's birthday party and it was awesome.We got there late so it ended short......for me and a friend of mine who followed me.My mother couldn't find the way and she kept calling my friend's father,Uncle Bryan.We finally we reached there and I ate there too.It was fun because the cheese cake was very delicious.It was very smooth.Besides the restaurant's name was "Haven."The place on top of the hill.It was very cold too.It was because there was a mist.After that I went home.Very nice party Eugene=)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yesterday I went to school for field trip.It was better than the last fieldtrip.But I didn't like this fieldtrip very much.The place was very there smelly.It was full of elephant dung.It was a two hour trip.I survived the boredness by reading my friends comic book.It was quite fun hanging out with my friends.I just hope the next fieldtrip will be better than yhis year's fieldtrip.

Speech day 2 (18/11/09)

Yesterday was speechday.This year's speechday was a lot of improvement.I had fun during speechday.Lot's of fun.We were the second to show our performance to the audience.In fact I didn't feel nervous during our speech.The first performance was entitled"Tarian Lenggang Kangkung"(by the standard 5 and 6).The third performance was entitled"Money Money Money"and it was by the standard one.The fourth performance was entitled"Swing Low,Sweet Chariot"(by the standard 5).The fifth performance is entitled"The wiggling wigglers"and it's by the standard two.The sixth performance is entitled"Kum Ba Ya"(by the standard 3).And finally the last performance is entitled"Amazing Grace Group"(By the standard 4-6)However it was quite fast actually.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Speech day

Speech day is coming(tommorow)and I am so nervous.I don't actually know what to do.I have to wear white sleeves,black trousers and a tie on speech day.But I am also sad that a friend of mine is leaving school.I hope he will be happy in his new school.His name is Martin and he is a pengawas.A few other friends are leaving the school.Our speech title is the Three little pigs.Anyway I think now I am getting interested in the histories of the Tudors.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

NASA scientist find water on the moon

Can you believe it?Water on the moon seems impossible to believe.But they found it.The NASA scientist found it.They found not little water but two gallons of water.The confirmation is significant for two reasons. It means lunar scientists can move on to questions about the source of the water and its distribution on the moon, which could shed light on the history of the solar system. Possible sources of the water include comets, Earth, a solar wind or the moon itself.Anyway I think they plan to live in the moon in the future.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A riddles

A riddle I'm giving you is a dificult riddle.For riddles,they aren't meant to be easy.Again a riddle I'm giving you.It goes like this......
I was born in England in 1584. I was a captain in the English army when Pilgrims chose me as a military adviser, and later, commander, for Plymouth Colony. We sailed on the Mayflower, arriving in 1620. I was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact, which set out some rules for governing the colony. I died in 1656. Who am I?
Just post the answer in the coment box.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Farewell party(8/11/09)

Yesterday I went to my friend's farewell party.I woke up early in the morning.I woke up at 8:50.When I arrived at my friend's house I saw that I was the first one there beside my friend's family of course.I talked with my friend while waiting for the second person and third person to come.I wanted to go to the Internet but his computer was pretty useless at that moment.When the second person came we played video games.After that we had Turkey for lunch........

It was so big and not only was it big but it was also fleshy.Then the fourth person to come and we played video games.We played video for a long time.I wasn't sure how long we played it but I am sure it was more than an hour.We stopped playing video games when the fourth person went back home.After that we went to a restaurant and the food we ordered is in the picture so don't ask.......
After eating we saw a bunch of entertainer and I think they were setting up an advertisment.After that we just took a walk around in the nearest supermarket.It was fun but at the same time it was very tiring.At the end we said goodbye to each other and went home.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mystery person 2

Today I am going to have a riddle with you......again.See if you can guess who this person is.And don't forget to post the answer in the comment box.Are you ready people?!The riddle goes like this............
I was born in 1931 in Oklahoma. In 1951, I joined the New York Yankees and played with them for 18 seasons. I helped my team win seven World Series and had a lifetime total of 536 home runs. I was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974.
Who am I?
People,If know the answer staight awythen you need not this hint but if do not know the answer then the hint is......his name is same with a famous disney character.Good luck with the answers people.

Monday, November 2, 2009

special card (01-11-09)

Today I went to watch "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs."It was kind of good.Even though the line was long I got the tickets.I got free tickets.It was because my parents register some kind of set which I think is from EON bank.Inside the set there is a visa card but has the Logo of GSC(Golden Screen Cinema).Besides that there is also another card which I think is a credit card.The movie is about a boy who is a nerd and everybody in his class laughed at him.He thought he could not do it but his mother encouraged him.His dream was to help his town and he suceeded.That's all I can tell you or else when you watch it may feel boring to you.Itis getting late and I think I better sleep.

Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!