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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Moral B Project (26-Feb-2010)

We had a moral B project.It was about Adam and Eve.We had to write a script about Adam and Eve and then act it out.It was suppose to be last weeks work but teacher added a new person in our group so our deadline is on next Thursday.

Joshua as Narrator 1

Jonathan Yen as Narrator 2

Joel(me) as Satan

Wong Yu thong as substitute

Jonathan Chong as Adam

Kimberly as Eve

Lim Le Chi as God

After our moral B project we went swimming.We played watergun fight.Joshua and Jonathan versus me because I had the stronger watergun.After that we bathe and watched.Then they all went home. thank God. He give me nice weather and good friends.....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Koearn New Year (CNY)party - 21/02/10

Percy Jackson and the lightning theif (21-Feb-2010)

Yesterday I went to the cinema in Midvalley watch Percy Jackson. It was quite nice.It is about.......Percy Jackson, an ordinary schoolboy doesn't know who his father is.But his life changes as he is acused as the lightning theif.Grover his best friend is also his protector.He doesn't believe in anything until his mother got killed by the legendary creature,the Minotaur.His best friend Grover is actually a Satyr and his teacher Mr.Brunner is a centaur.He finally discovers that his father is the all-powerful Poseidon(god of the sea).Will he be able to find Zeus's Master bolt before the winter solistice?

Japan Trip(17/02/2010) part6)-Universal studio

My last trip in Japan was fun.First we stopped at Osaka Castle.We didn't see many things there though.The tour guide told us the history of the caste.Then we went to Universal studios.We first went to watch Shrek 4D was exciting.Most of the characters are from Shrek 1.The we watched Terminator.The animation was so cool.when the person rode the motorcycle into the scree, he was just in the screen.Just like that.And then when the person came out of the screen there was a huge spider.It looked like it came out of the screen but it was in the screen.Then we went to ride The Daily Bugle.The line was so long.When we rode the Daily Bugle we saw spider man fighting his enemies.The last one we rode was Jurassic park.It was fine.The only part that was nice is the last part where the T-rex almost ate us but we fell down and it missed.Then we bought some stuff at the merchandise shop.Still I have something to say about this trip to Japan.I met a little boy named Bernard.He is only seven.He looked so cute.I thank God I can meet people like him on this trip.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Japan Trip(16/02/2010)-part 5)Kyoto/osaka city

On the fifth day in Japan we traveled to Kyoto.First we went to Kiyomizu temple.But we didn't really go inside.The people who chose to go inside may go inside but the people who did not want to go inside went shopping and bought souvenir ,there were many souvenir shops outside the temple. I bought sweets in a shop.The tour guide told us some interesting facts about Japanese students.They actually look smarter than us because of their uniform.Then we went took a shinkansen ride.It was super fast.The bullet train took fifteen minutes to reach O'saka while the bus took one and a half hour. OSaka is a very big city.Our mothers went shopping while we followed our dads. After that We had a shabu shabu for dinner.

Japan Trip((15/02/2010)Part 4)-Mt Fuji----hamamatsu

We left for Fuji hakone in the morning.When we went to the bus we could see snow outside the window.It was so exciting.I couldn't wait for the bus to reach our first destination.In Mount Fuji we could only hang around the only first level.We could play with snow there.The snow there was so cool.I found a huge snowball in Mount Fuji.I also saw some people playing snowball fight with their friends.Then we went to Peace Park.It was a Buddhist temple.There Buddhist countries sent Buddhist statues to Japan.The biggest one was from India.Then after peace park we took a fifteen minute ride on the ship and saw the scenery.Last of all,we went to a place near the volcano and it was very smelly because of the chemical in the volcano(sulphur).I didn't stay there for long because of the smell and just went to the bus.There you can buy black egg and black peanut.Japanese believe that it will give them long life if they eat it.My mother bought a bottle of milk which costs 1000 yen but it's very delicious.Then we went to our hotel to prepare for the next day.

Japan Trip(14/02/2010)-Tokyo City

So after my trip to Tokyo Disneyland we traveled around Tokyo.First we went to the Imperial palace.There is a Samurai picture right after the entrance.There are a lot of Bonsai too.They were really big and tall.They are above one hundred years old. Compared to Chinese Bonsai with Japanese Bonsai I think Japanese Bonsai are much taller than Chinese Bonsai .Chinese people like Bonsai too but they are really so expensive.One tree is worth more than one million.When we went inside the ground is filled with stones.It is because The Royal people living inside are scared of assasination. After that we went to Asakusa Kannon Temple.It is a Buddhist temple.We just bought some stuff at the souvenir shop and had our lunch there.We also went to visit the Toyota City showroom and saw some new model cars...After that we went to Fuji Hakone hotel.We ate long leg crab there and it was so delicious.Our last activity was to go to the hotspring.Ah,so comfortable.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Japan Trip((13/02/10) Tokyo Disneyland-part2)

After a good sleep at the hotel I woke up early in the morning and ate breakfast.The food there was more special than Malaysia's food.The tour guide took us Tokyo Disneyland.It was so cold there because it was snowing that I almost froze but it was also so much bigger and better than Hong Kong Disneyland.There were so many ducks on there river.We had to buy fastpass because it was too crowded.We took only a few rides because there wasn't enough time.The parade was better than Hong Kong Disneyland's.Then at night we ate together with our group and I had a fun time.Although we didn't take a lot of rides I enjoyed being in Tokyo Disneyland.Finally our last activity was to take a walk around the Tokyo. (This is usually where my parents go dating)
My parents met in Japan.In a matter of fact they study in Japan and also took a part time job in Japan.They live there about eight years.This is why they can speak Japanese and I am proud of it.

Japan Trip((12-02-2010)Part 1)

I went to Japan on the 12th.It was so exciting that I woke up early in the morning.We took a taxi to the airport.I felt like time was too slow on the taxi.I was so bored on the taxi.When we finally reached our destination everybody woke up.It was two trips though,we had to go to Hong Kong first and then Japan.We took Cathay Pacific for our journey.Thank God that Cathay Pacific had a mini tv because the last time I took Korean Airline there was no mini tv for each of us passengers and we had to share one big tv.When we were in Japan it was about 5 c.We ate dinner in our room and our meal was just one enormous cup rameon.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chiness New Year (07/02/2010)

Chinese New Year is coming soon and so is Valentine.I am going to Japan the coming Friday so that means I won't be coming to school.Few days before my mother decorated our house.Even though,my trip to Japan is near I still can't wait because I am so excited.Normally,for Chinese New year I would go to Hong Kong or China.So far still,I only went to Korea,China and Hong Kong in my whole life.Thank God for my treip in Japan.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Movie of the Tooth fairy (06/02/10)

Today I watched Toothfairy.The movie quite funny.It is about "The Toothfairy"as in Derek.He is a hockey player and has a girlfriend who has kids.He stole a dollar from his girlfriend's younger daughter which is about six and believes tooth fairy and wanted to tell that it was fake.Then one night,He got thrown in toothfairy land and capish,he becomes a toothfairy.He is charged for killing dreams.You want to know what happen next.Watch out for Toothfairy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Chinatown (01-2-2010)

Today I went to Chinatown with my friend Jeremy.It was very hot and old.There was a lot of things to see and buy.Our mothers got carried away by choosing lanterns.I bought a packet of cards which costs 5.90 and a binocular which costs 65 but my mother asked for a cheaper price which was now 45 while Jeremy bought a wallpaper for his room which costs about 12.My mother bought three bouquet of branches which costs 26.70 while aunty Carol bought a lantern which was 68.I bought the binocular for seeing Mount Fuji for my trip in Japan.It is mini and light.It also looks nice and cool.Thanks mom for blessing me in every way.

Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!