I went to Kuantan for church camp.We stayed at Swiss Garden.We were supose to go on Friday but my father was busy.So we went on Saturday.We didn't take a lot of photos.The first day we arrived we ate lunch at the steamboat restaurant.Yummy!!!Anyway I am encouraging somebody you don't need to now but if you want to know please MYOB(Mind your own buisness)!!!!!!!!!!We went to the shore and felt the waves.Then we played water gun.
At night went treasure hunting.Not real gold or silver.Just sweets but it was worth it.The 2nd day we practice for the concert.I went to the beach another time but this time it was for the telematch.The concert started at night but me and my friend didn't join the dancing.I also met the famous Pastor Timothy.He was a short and funny.
Instead I only did 2 things...............
Wow, so great your mom captured a lot photos during the session, my mom didn't capture any photo during the session T.T may be she was quite busy with my relative... that's why I was just posted the photos at the seaside.