WooHoo!Today I am free.My exams are over.I am so happy.During the exam I was nervous.My place was freezing cold.The exams were difficult.It was harder than the last exam.Well I was glad it was finally over.It was a disaster for my art exam because.......There was too much glitter.Second there were annoying feathers all around me.Get it now.Anyway I don't really care about my _______ exam.Guess what exam I don't really care about.I if you find the answer just post the answer on the comment box.Hey let me see whether you can figure out if this watch is fake or real.........
If you know the answer just post your answer in the comment box.
I found something on the newspaper which was interesting and the topic is called Live Blood Analysis.The micropy system was invented by Robert W. Bradford.It should be science.Dr Quek said"without proof that such tests have caused harm,there is little the MMA(Malaysia Medical Council) can do."If you want to know more just search in Google.