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Friday, April 30, 2010

Teeth pulling27/04/2010

Can you believe that I actually pulled three of my teeth out,one was a the dentist, another was at home as my mother used a string to pull it off and finally I pulled of the third teeth in the car as I tried to take a whole packet of blueberry tablets.Anyway I had to use the tissue as there was cotton.There was quite a lot of blood in my mouth but it wasn't so pain as I expected.Anyway I thank God that I was able to pull out my tooth.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Toy Story 3 (25/04/2010)

The movie was nice although it was a three hour movie.First they showed a whole movie of Toy story 2.I'm sure you guys know that story.Just in case here's a brief summary;Andy bought a new toy,Buzz Lightyear and it becomes Andy's favourite toy.Woody, Andy's former favourite toy get jealous and causes trouble.In the end he causes trouble for himself .Will he get him and Buzz Lightyear out of trouble?Then we waited for another ten minutes for the movie to start.Toy Story three is basically about how Woody almost risked his life to save another friend.Instead he got stolen.Ther he meets Jessie,Bullseye and the Prospector(also known as Stinky Pete).He,Jessie and Bullseye then agreed to escape but the Prospector tries to stop them.Will they escape from the trip to Japan?

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book report (While the clock ticked) 23-04-2010

Name of Reader; Joel Choi

Tittle of Book; While the clock ticked

Name of Author; Franklin W. Dixon

The story; Since Mr. Dalrgmple couldn’t find Fenton Hardy, he had to as his sons, Frank and Joe Hardy to do some detective work. Somebody has been messing about in his new house. He had been receiving threatening letters tackle both cases only to find out that somehow the cases are related. Will they be able to solve the mysteries.

The Characters; Joe and Frank Hardy, the main characters. Chet Norton, a fat plump boy. Arthur Jensen, the gang’s leader. Sid Benny and Mr .Black, Arthur Jensen’s accomplice. Mr Dalrymple, the owner o f the Purdy’s house. Hurdapplegate, the man who got robbed by the gang. Chief Collig. A friend of Frank and Joe Hardy.

Reader’s Comments ;

1. The story is nice as it talks about mysteries.

2. It teaches me about the relations hip Joe and Frank Hardy have.

3. Other than that, this story has moral.

4. Besides that, the friend ship between Chet Morton and the boys are very close.

5. In order to solve mysteries we should be smart like Frank and Joe Hardy.

6. As desperate as Mr Dalrymple we should give people a chance.

7. Lastly, I like the story as it has a happy ending.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Kacynski's death

The Poland president death shocked many people.The people in Poland were grieving and crying over his death.It was suprising as the death was sudden.The funeral was held in Wawel.Tens of thousands of Poles chanted "Lech Kaczynski, we thank you" .It was a plane crash and I think it is serious.Kaczynski, his wife and 94 other, mostly senior Polish political and military officials died when their plane crashed in Smolensk.They were heading to mark the 70th anniversary of the massacre of 22,000 Polish officers by Soviet secret police. For decades until 1990, Moscow denied responsibility for the deaths, blaming the Nazis.Because of the tragedy we now know the death of the Polish officers.It had been a sad day for Polland.

Good Friends(18-4-2010)

Today, I had a fun day with my friend Kendrick.I grew up with him like brothers.When I was standard 3 we departed.Anyway we wanted a movie.While waiting we played basketball.He was a pro.He could dribble, defend and shoot in the net.Futhermore he taught me how to distract people when they are concetrating by yelling or shouting.Suddenly my cousins also wanted to play.So we played together and had fun.After that I showered and did my Enopi homework.The bad thing is that we couldn't watch movies as there were no more tickets left.So we ate dinner and went back to my place.We then swam and enjoyed our time.When it was time to go back we said bye-bye.Thank God I have a good friend teach me basketball.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Book Report(The Mystery of the Chinese Junk)17/04/2010

Name of Reader: Joel Choi. Title of Book: The Mystery of the Chinese Junk. Name of Author: Franklin W. Cixon. THE STORY; The boys bought a boat and it sure conains trouble . Rew men are trying to convince Frank and Joe Hardy to send them the boat but the boys refused and from then on, they get robbed. They ask their chinese-american friend's father for help and he could only give them little information. Suddenly a new doctor appeared in town. Dr montrose was suspected as the theif as he was inb the Hardy's house before the incident. Will they be able to find out the Mystery of the Chinese Junk? THE CHARACTERS; Frank and Joe Hardy, the maincharacters. Chet Morton a friend of Frank and Joe Hardy. Chin Gok, the leader of the gang. Dr Montrose alko known as the chameleon. George Ti-Ming, a chinese detective. Tim Foy, a chinese-american bou who is a friend of Frank and Joe Hardy. Clams Dagget a xailor-Aunt Germude, Frank and Joe Hardy's aunty. READER'S COMMENTS; 1. The story is exciting as it is adventurous. 2. The mystery is hard to solve bout still the boys solved it. 3. Other than that, the boys can't seem to wait to solve the mystery. 4. The chameleon is as cunning as a fox. 5. This story also contains action. 6. The boys have good luck. 7. I like the story as it has a happy ending.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My old friend (11/04/2010)

I went to my friend's house on Sunday.It was a fun day hanging out with my old buddy again.I was actually suppose to go there on Saturday but I was busy.Still,it turn out too badly as I watched movie with my friends(le chi and jeremy).On Sunday I ate Pizza Hut with my old buddy.It was so delicious and cheesy.I don't really know how to explain the taste.The crust is so crunchy and the mushroom soup was so hot=).We then went to his house and I had to shower.After showerng we dropped water balloons downstairs.I got wet again and had to change clothes.xd

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Clash of the Titans (11/04/2010)

The story begins when a boy named Perseus was found in a coffin.A fisherman raised him and treated like a son.One day when they reached Argos they saw men of Argos destroying the statue of Zeus.Suddenly demons appeared and killed the men of Argos who destroyed the statue of Zeus.When the demons joined together they changed into Hades.Then Hades charged at the fisherman's boat at killed all of the people inside the boat except for Perseus.He was brought to Argos.He soon found out that he was the son of Zeus.He joined a bunch of soildiers to find and destroy the hideous kraken.Will Perseus be able to make it?

book report (The Witchmaster's key) 10/04/2010

Name of Reader; Joel Choi Title of Book; The Witchmaster's key Name of Author; Franklin W.Dixon THE STORY; Fenton Hardy sents his son to East Anglia, England. He sents then there solve a case. A witch musuem has been robbed and Frank and Joe Hardy are to find the pieces. Their stay has been weird as they saw a funeral of an old witchmaster, John Piken baugh. After they witness the funeral, things get stranger and it seems that they are being shadowed at every turn. Looks like some people dan't want them in England and are trying to chase them out . Will they be able to find out the mystery of the witchmaster's key. THE CHARACTERS; Frank and Joe Hardy, the main character. proffesor Rowbotham, a friend of fenton Hardy. Mary Elerbee, an old woman. Doctor Burelli, Joe's dentist in England and the new witchmaster since John Riken baugh's death. Nip Hadley, a groon and a with. Mr Good man. Matthew Hopkins a fridadly person. Chet and phil, friend of Frank and Joe Hardy. READER'S COMMENTS; 1. The story mainly talk about witch craft and it interests me. 2. The story is nice bit creepy as strange things happen in the story. 3. Frank and Joe Hardy are smart boys as they manag to solve the mystory. 4. It reminds me of a movie Harry Potter. 5. The story is nice and exciting as the boys are adventurous. 6. The boys are brave and couraugeous. 7. The story is nice as it has a happy ending.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Book Report( The apeman's secret) 09/04/2010

Name of Reader: Joel choi Title of Book; The Apeman's Secret Name of Author: Franklin W. Dixon THE STORY; A girl by the name of Sue linwood had gone missing . Her father thinks she might have joined a religious cult called the children of Noah. Aftera few days a cartoon character Apeman comes alive and scares everybady. Frank and Joe Hardy tackle both cases and found out the children of Noah is somehow related to Apeman. Frank and Joe Hardy suspect a musculeman by the name of Zack Amboy. Will Frank and Joe Hardy find Sus liwood and solve the secret of Apeman. THE CHARACTERS; Frank and Joe Hardy the main characters. Sue Linwood the missing girl. Noah Norvel the enemy and the head of " children of Noah" Rollo Eckent, Apeman vern keko, a helper of Rollo Eckboy,a musculeman Fenton Hardy, Father of Frank and Joe Hardy. READER'S COMMENTS: 1. I like the story as it remind me of a movie. 2. It is nice book as it talks about mysteries. 3. There are more adventurous than Nancy Drew. 4. The boys are smart as they solve both cases. 5. The boys are working together as a team and not alone 6. It is a good story as it is detailed enough. 7. The story is nice as it has a hapy ending.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday 05/04/20

Yesterday was easter.In the morning,my aunt got baptised in the korean church.The children in the korean church made easter eggs.They were all very cute and I was suprised as my mother showed me some photos their eggs.Hong Jun and his sister made a lot of eggs.They put cotton on the egg to make it look like a sheep.I was really impressed by their creativity they used for the easter eggs.Meanwhile,in my church we(Only few people did'nt sing ex.Me,Anson,Kaori,Ka Seng and Chaek Seng)sang a song based about the life of Jesus our saviour .After badminton we had an easter party.It was fun as I could see my friends an enjoy with them.The food there was not bad but the it was very hard to chew the meat as it was filled with bones.When they all went back home We said goodbye while departing.The true story of Easter is actually about how Jesus rose from the dead.Good Friday is when Jesus died to take awar our sins.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Moral B project 02/04/2010

Yesterday,my friends came to my house for Moral B project.I had lots of fun we were acting about the life of Joseph.I was starring as Joseph.Joshua was starring as narrator and Baker.Jonathan is starring as Rueben and the butler.Le Chi as the Pharoah.After they went back home I also had to go to tuition.
After tuition I went camping with my cousins.We camped right outside the house.It was so hot.We also used the torchlight to read our books.Then we ate our biscuits outside the tent.We slept abot twelve something.I didn't really sleep so well as it was so hot and stuffy inside the tent.When I woke early in the morning the first thing I did was to go inside my house and on the aircon.I had lots of fun during that day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

sunday outing 29/03/2010

Yesterday, I went visit my friend right after my badminton.I showered at his house as I brought clothes along with me.After I showered we went to eat at a restaurant which contains Indian food.It was extremely delicious as we ate nun and chicken.After that we bought a few stuff and went to Hong Jun's house and we sure had fun.We watched movies on the computer.In the end I went home.Now,my mother also told me another thing.Hong Jun's father work in Korea because their children wanted to study in Malaysia.So their mother bring them here to take care of them and their father sent them money everytime.Sometimes their father visit them.I feel sad for them as they could not see their father everyday as I can.

Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!