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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter party26/04/2011

Last Saturday,we celebrated Easter.Although I know some of you don't,I do.Anyway,I was really busy during that day as I went to a Malay tuition in the morning.Then,I immediately went straight to basketball class.After basketball class I went back home for another Malay tuition.After the Malay tuition finished,I played some sports with my friends which are Henry and Gerard.Then all of us hit the showers.Then Easter party started.First  we ate many different varieties of food.All so delicious especially the prawn.So crunch.The drinks were also refreshing.Then we went into the house and played passing the parcel.What I got from it was a box of erasers which was imported from Korea.Then we also made a few creative things such as a boat,a cross and a very important words.Then,we played video games.It was a really enjoyable day.Thank God for the party.Plus,bless all of you!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sports day(15/04/2011)

It was really fun during sports day.I mean who could have wished for a better sports day like this one. Although I did not really do much,I had loads of fun cheering for those who are running especially the people I know such as Ming Cong and Le Chi.I know loads of others who are runner but these two are in my house.Anyway, even though they did not get first,they did achieve some medals for blue house.For me,well,I did not participate in any running but I achieved the silver medal in the telematch.It was however by chance we got a silver medal.As it was a five legged race,we were down to third place.If you ask me how we got the second place,it was because our brawns and no our brains.At the last moment,it seemed as the red house will get second as we fell down and was tangled up in the strings we used to tie our legs.However,we cunningly leaped to the finish line as soon as we untangled ourselves.I was so proud of our smart thinking that I treated one of my teammates one 100 plus.To tell you something,I was not really nice to the red house fellas as I rubbed the medal right in their face.Anyhow,I felt quite disappointed that we did not get first as I rally thought we could get first.However,now I am quite satisfied with my silver medal.Although,our house got last in the total standings,I sure enjoyed sports day.We did not really perform well in our running but I did not complain as I could not do any better.I really Thank God for this Sports day,I really went smoothly this time and I have to thank the organizers for preparing this sports day so well.Anyway,may god bless all of you!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Exam coming soon in May(14/04/2011)

There is an important exam coming soon in May and I will be working hard for good results.Well,this exam is kind of important because it will determine whether I remain in Agape,or change into either Aman or Arif.Well I want to get good results but if I get really good results I will go to Aman and I do not actually want to go to Aman as I have already many friends in Agape.Many people in Agape are friendly and kind but not all of them.However no class can be perfect can they.Even though Aman is the best class,many people there are mean.For Arif,from what I can say is that more people are mean.Besides,the teachers in Agape are kind especially my class teacher.If I go to Agape my class teacher won't be able to teach me anymore.If I go to Aman,most of my favourite teachers won't be able to teach me anymore.Anyway,I really want to impress both my mother and father.My mother has helped me so much by paying all my tuition fees.My father has worked so hard to get money for the family to survive.However,I am also doing this for my own benefit.If I get good results,then only will I be able to prove myself to my friends.Anyway,pray that I get good results and God bless all of you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sports day is coming soon (06/04/2011)

Sports day is coming soon and I am so excited about it.Eventhough,my house which is blue house is currently I still have hope that we can get first because it is not the end yet.I have loads of hope that we will have good results and show the other houses that we are better than them.Especially,the yellow house a the think they will remain in the first position.Although we did not really get the results as I expected,we will beat them because their pride will cause them to be pretty much last.Anyway,today we went to the Permaisuri stadium for marching competition.Other than that,we also had loads of practice for long jump and short pat.However the others who did not take part in the long jump or the short pat did the telematch which actually hurt my knee a lot.It also tired my leg a lot as we had to duckwalk in the telematch.After that,I bought milo from the shop and it was so cool refreshing.Anyway at 12 we all went back to school.Finally nice cool aircon.Lunch was so delicious as it was cooked by Aunty Molly.However,of course it was always delicious.Then we had chapel after lunch.Thank God for this wonderful day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Galactica Laser in Mid Valley (04/04/2011)

Yesterday I went to Mid Valley.It was so fun as we got to play at Galactica Laser.It was so fun as I got to play it with my two Korean friends.It was quite expensive as it was fun and also popular.However three missions would be cheaper than one mission.Anyway,at first none of  us knew how to play at all.They didn't even give us a briefing.However,I figured it out by myself and soon I was enjoying the game too.It was however quite unfair as we were fighting against professional opponents.In the end,the thrashed us until I was kind of embarrassed.Anyway,they were professionals so there is nothing to be embarrassed of as I was an amateur.Wait,I'm not even an amateur but a beginner which is apparently is worse.Anyway,I was better in the second mission.However,I was still last because at one point,I couldn't shoot anymore.Then for a few minutes the guides helped me to activate it again.Still,we still beat the other team quite harshly.In the last game,I got third and was positioned higher than my friends.Thank God for giving me the oportunity to play in Galactica Laser.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

(02/042011)April Fools

Yesterday was a really fun day.You all should know.If you don't know,then I should tell you that it is April Fools.Yesterday,my friends pranked another friend of mine when he went through the door.The bottle however did not hit his head but hit his foot which was actually quite fortunate for him.There was a trick I played on my friend and it almost got him into trouble.Well I told him that the discipline teacher was looking for him but before he went I told him it was April Fools!I also played a trick on another friend when he accidentally touched me,I purposely fell down and he was so sorry.Then I told him it was April Fools!The last trick I played on my friend was when the school ended.I told him that another friend said something bad about him.He didn't seem convinced so I made him believe it and right when he was going to the guy I told him April Fools.I had so much fun.Did you enjoy your April Fools?I hope so!

Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!