I went to a company camp organized by the Boy's Brigade.It was so fun and the price was also reasonable.Actually,it was already very because it was suppose cost over RM1,000 but we only payed RM300 including the payment for food.Plus,we were staying in Eagle Ranch which is a really nice place.We had plenty of activities but most of the games were organised by Benjamin.Anyway,the first thing we did when we arrived is check out the rooms we got.I got the most unfortunate thing,I got the log dorm.However,it isn't really all that bad.There are two air conditioners and three fans which made the room very cool.Anyway,we had to gather at the hall.There,we played some games.First we played icebreaker which is basically lining up in order of something.Next we played dragon's tag which was my favourite game.First,we had to make a line.The one in the front was the head and was suppose to snatch the other team's tail.Meanwhile,the last person had to make the tail doesn't get taken away.Our team played defensive and let the other team defeat themselves.Then we were on to the last team,we easily defeat them as they consumed all their energy defeating the other teams.We won all the matches in dragon's tag. (PART2)

(part 3)
It was finally the end of camp.In the morning,all of us woke up early to pack as we were leaving in the afternoon.Then we had a stroll as almost all of us couldn't sleep again.After it was time for breakfast,all of us went to check what the food was.In other words,it was horribbly disgusting.So,also in such a way,I didn't eat at all.After eating they asked all of us to go to the hall for some reason.Then we found out that we were going to have praise a worship.After praise and worship,they asked most of us to give a testimony about this camp.All of us enjoyed and all of us had fun I guess this was a silly question to ask because obviously all of us enjoyed it.Before we went home they revealed the positions.My team,the blue team got first place.After that all of us went home.