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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Speech Day(20/11/2011)

Last week,my school held a major event which was speech day.Everybody was occupied with something to do during Speech Day.Speech Day started off with the junior choir performed by the Year 1,2 and 3.Later,the Year 5 performed a Jewish dance entitled Baruchadonai.However I did not really find it interesting as they keep repeating the moves.It was followed by the Year 6 which performed Dikir Barat.I was in it and it felt so long.After that,the Year 2 performed a musical drama entitled Alice in Wonderland.After that,it prize giving for the year 6 and I won first place in my class.After the year 4 performance,we had individual singing and dancing.Lastly,the senior choir sang and it finished.I also received a character award for meekness.After speech day,I hung out with my friends at Mid Valley where we played Laser Tag.Then we all went home.Thank God for allowing me to have such a fun time.

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Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!