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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunway Lagoon(writing this on the 1st of January 2010)

This Wednesday I went to Sunway Lagoon.It was fun but too bad we could only go to water park.Still I really appreciated the water park.Not that is bad but I've had been there before.I just wanted to try other stuff but it's fine with me.When we got in we first went into the Wild west.We a few rides there but I think the best of them is the"Niagara river flume ride."We then went to the water park.We went to the playground to have fun.At first we need not to line up but after some time we had to line up.Believe me the was so long that I regreted lining up because it took a lot of time.We bought also the tube(though we shouldn't have)which was kind of expensive because we only borrowed it but at least we get to get back 20 ringgit back.We also went to Tony Romas and quite a lot.My friends also came to my house but that will be in another post.gtg

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Avatar is a movie I just watched.It is a really nice movie.It is a movie about a man cannot walk.The humans tried to take over Pandora a planet full of Innocent creatures.The technology was amazing.There was a machine that could sent a human's body,the helicopter's propeller was at the sides, and there was a robot which you can control with your hand.It's a movie about trust,peace and nature.This movies got into the Top ten movies of 2009.Yesterday I tried to buy the tickests but it was totally full.I felt really glad to watch the movie today.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas in Church(25/12/09)

Today I went to church to perform my violin with my cousin sister.Before performing I practiced my violin in church.Besides performing I also had to sing carol songs and these two songs named "We are the reason" and "How amazing You are" which was written by our church member Naomi.After the songs performed the violin immmediately.The minimicrophone was given to my cousin maybe because the grade two student will make a mistake(me) while the the fourth grade student won't(my cousin).Well many people said I performed very well but I am not so sure about that.Of course I went to the children service next,you expect me to perform more no way.

This Christmas I had lots of fun.On the same day my friend Gerard came to my house.I wish and hope you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prince hotel and Wong Kok in Pavillion(Writing this on 24th)

On 23rd and 24th of december I went to prince hotel to sing carols.Our church's children came except for a few people.On the 23rd we sang on the floor but on the 24th we did on the stairs.......
On both days we went to Pavillion.Both days were also fun.We sang about half an hour and I felt like it was very short.I think we sang eleven songs altogether but I am not really sure about it.On the 24th we sang Merry Chtristmas a lot of times.We ate in Pavillion and had three big drinks because it was three persons birthday.They wanted to take a picture of us children pretending to drink a drink but we drank it quietly.=P
I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Triple activity(22-12-09)

Yesterday had three special activities. First I made Tong Yun.(only green color ball)...
It is colorful.. My grandmum made pink, orange, white and green..
I also played bedminton with my cousins.
and sang carol songs with my church members. I had lots of fun.I made a giant green color ball so my maidmade it in lots of small green balls.And when I played badminton I think I improved a lot in my badminton.But my cousins always quarrel with each other so my elder cousins always don't want to play first and the younger then say he also don't want to play.Then my last activity was singing carol songs.We made Tong Yun not only for my family but also for the youth.The youth first time came to my house to sing carol songs.It was such a great day to me...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Starting of Christmas ( 19-12-09 )

It is the the starting of Christmas.Though it isn't really fair they shortened our holiday to five weeks while it was suppose to be seven weeks really!I hope next year they give us nine weeks holiday for our school break because they owed us two weeks.Anyway next week I am free because my other tuitions are being delayed.I think I shall be happy next week.Yesterday I was very happy because there was a big party in our and neighbours(grandmums) house.I had lots of fun.We played games like passing the parcel and sheraddes.After that we did our own stuff.Suprisingly this time our Christmas party was succesful unlike last time which only 35 people.This time we had over 70 people in the party.We exchanged gifts too. Anyway Merry chrismas every body!!~~

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Yesterday I went to Mid Valley to see my friend.He's a Korean just like me.Except that he speaks
Korean while I don't.I last saw him in my math tuition.
I felt happy to
see him just as you will feel if you meet you good buddy.We were carried away by talking too much that we didn't realize that
it was almost time to walking in the Mall.
Furthermore he has a Nerf gun.He has a lot more cool stuff like etc. Animal King cards and a TinTin book.At last I said good bye and went to my english tuition......(but that's not the end of the story)
.We spent our time together at the bookshop reading japanese comic books(mangga).We even talked while
Today I met the same friend and also in Mid Valley.We went to Jusco and played games together.He showed me his card album of Animalking cards and there was a lot of cards inside.We played two player and of course I lost because he is a pro.Although I lost he was kind enough to give me the card.We played multiplayer games and shared our tokens.He even gave me the sweets(which he got from winning the game).After we spent all our tokens we went to Mc Donalds and his father was really kind to buy us the Large sized coke(he should'nt have because we could refill for free)So I refilled for my friend and his father to show them proof.At last we went home.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The true meaning of Christmas(14/12/09)

Christmas is coming and I am so excited.I am so prepared for Christmas.The true meaning of Christmas is about Jesus Christ.The things like the fir tree and bell represents something.Just go to to find out.You know the sort of thing about how Christmas is about Santa Claus...well it's not true.I like Christmas not only because it's fun but also because it teaches you something new.Well I'm done for today.Merry Christmas everybody!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Matt's birthday party(12/12/09)

Today was my friend's birthday.It was awesome and cool.The food there was delicious epecially the birthday cake.It was a shape of a football stadium with a CHELSEA.The footballs on the cake are very sugary.I was the first person to come to his birthday party.The pool was so cool and comfortable.Anyway,my friend said that this was his most unprepared birthday in his life(so far I guess).Anyway next year I won't be able to see himm often next because he will be changing school.I can't wait for next week to come too because I shall be able to go to his house.Anyway,I also think that I'm the first person to leave..........

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watching Astro boy

Today I'm going to watch astro boy.I think it's going to be awesome.I like action,comedy and adventure movies.What about you?We need line up too because we have the GSC(Golden Screen Cinemas) card.Actually Astro boy is an old movie.My parents watched Astro Boy long time ago.I also think one of my friends already watched it.I can't wait to watch itand hope the movie is good.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Gaga Restaraunt(Bukit Jalil)-04/12/09

Yesterday at 8:30 pm I went to Gaga Restaurant.The food there was very delicious.The french fries was especially nice.Furthermore we can watch a movie for free.Futhermore the place is very natural.It was a special day because on that day it was five people's birthday.Come to think of it,you don't see that everyday do you.The Cake has bananas so that's what makes it delicious:).

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Planet 51 (01.12.09)

Today I watched Planet 51.It was a great show and I was so happy.It started at nine and ended ten thirty.We got a half price discount and after the discount it was twelve something.Isn't it cheap.Some more we need not have to line up.You want to know why?It's because the GSC card finally arrived.Planet 51 is a movie that shows about friendship.When you watch Alien movies they are always EVIL.But this movie is the opposite.Instead of being bad they are good,friendly and kind.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sleeping over at a friend's house(30-11-09)

On Sunday I went to my friend's house to overnight.I felt very happy to see my old friend again.We had lots of fun.We went to bed at twelve something.But I woke up at midnight because the radio was on.When it closed I slept peacefully again(for a while).Then I woke up again because I heard the baby cry.When the baby was done with it's crying I slept again.The at ten something I woke up but my friend was still sleeping.So I woke him up.We then swam and after that I wemnt home..................

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Double treat (28-11-09)

Yahoo!Yesterday my friend came to my house to overnight, I am going to overnight at his house.Yesterday I swam at his house and was boy it was fun.I felt so happy to play with my friend.He is actually my first friend.I met him since I was born.We went to the same kindergarden and we stayed at the same condo(not anymore).I miss him very much.When I was eight years old I shifted into a banglo(believe me,I don't like it)and I couldn't see him for a long time.And so as you can see and understand how I feel when I met him again....=)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Christmas carol(26-11--09)

Yesterday(at twelve fifteen a.m)I went to watch a Christmas Carol at Mid Valley.It was a nice movie.Actually they didn't think of the story,they kind of copied the story from Charles Dicken I think.Anyway still the animation was nice.I was very happy to watch a Christmas Carol.But this time,sorry guys I can't tell you the story because the story is sort of obvious to figure out.After the movie finished(at two a.m) I was of course sleepy.ZZZZZ..............

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

2012 (23/11/09)

This Monday I watched a movie called 2012.It was about the end of the world.It was a nice movie.So many disasters.Tsunami,earthquake and volcano eruption.The movie is also quite sad.So many people died.Though the end is very similiar to a Bible story in the Old testament.They even took two animals of different spesies each.There were also three electronic ark.Very similiar,eh.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A good Sunday (22/11/09)

Last Sunday was a good Sunday.It is because at night I ate delicious food.I ate it at Times Square.I ate at a Chinese restaurant.It was a Christian meeting.The food there are pigskin,chicken,sushi.The last Food was Cake.It was for dessert.Somebody birthday I guess.I was tired.I went there at seven thirty.When I reached there I felt nervous(but happy).But when I left I felt sleepy.Oh, and I forgot to mention that there were shark fin soup.I was so happy.All of them were speaking chinese so I couldn't understand them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Eugene's BD party (21/11.09)

Last Saturday,I went friend's birthday party and it was awesome.We got there late so it ended short......for me and a friend of mine who followed me.My mother couldn't find the way and she kept calling my friend's father,Uncle Bryan.We finally we reached there and I ate there too.It was fun because the cheese cake was very delicious.It was very smooth.Besides the restaurant's name was "Haven."The place on top of the hill.It was very cold too.It was because there was a mist.After that I went home.Very nice party Eugene=)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Yesterday I went to school for field trip.It was better than the last fieldtrip.But I didn't like this fieldtrip very much.The place was very there smelly.It was full of elephant dung.It was a two hour trip.I survived the boredness by reading my friends comic book.It was quite fun hanging out with my friends.I just hope the next fieldtrip will be better than yhis year's fieldtrip.

Speech day 2 (18/11/09)

Yesterday was speechday.This year's speechday was a lot of improvement.I had fun during speechday.Lot's of fun.We were the second to show our performance to the audience.In fact I didn't feel nervous during our speech.The first performance was entitled"Tarian Lenggang Kangkung"(by the standard 5 and 6).The third performance was entitled"Money Money Money"and it was by the standard one.The fourth performance was entitled"Swing Low,Sweet Chariot"(by the standard 5).The fifth performance is entitled"The wiggling wigglers"and it's by the standard two.The sixth performance is entitled"Kum Ba Ya"(by the standard 3).And finally the last performance is entitled"Amazing Grace Group"(By the standard 4-6)However it was quite fast actually.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Speech day

Speech day is coming(tommorow)and I am so nervous.I don't actually know what to do.I have to wear white sleeves,black trousers and a tie on speech day.But I am also sad that a friend of mine is leaving school.I hope he will be happy in his new school.His name is Martin and he is a pengawas.A few other friends are leaving the school.Our speech title is the Three little pigs.Anyway I think now I am getting interested in the histories of the Tudors.....

Sunday, November 15, 2009

NASA scientist find water on the moon

Can you believe it?Water on the moon seems impossible to believe.But they found it.The NASA scientist found it.They found not little water but two gallons of water.The confirmation is significant for two reasons. It means lunar scientists can move on to questions about the source of the water and its distribution on the moon, which could shed light on the history of the solar system. Possible sources of the water include comets, Earth, a solar wind or the moon itself.Anyway I think they plan to live in the moon in the future.

Friday, November 13, 2009

A riddles

A riddle I'm giving you is a dificult riddle.For riddles,they aren't meant to be easy.Again a riddle I'm giving you.It goes like this......
I was born in England in 1584. I was a captain in the English army when Pilgrims chose me as a military adviser, and later, commander, for Plymouth Colony. We sailed on the Mayflower, arriving in 1620. I was one of the signers of the Mayflower Compact, which set out some rules for governing the colony. I died in 1656. Who am I?
Just post the answer in the coment box.....

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Farewell party(8/11/09)

Yesterday I went to my friend's farewell party.I woke up early in the morning.I woke up at 8:50.When I arrived at my friend's house I saw that I was the first one there beside my friend's family of course.I talked with my friend while waiting for the second person and third person to come.I wanted to go to the Internet but his computer was pretty useless at that moment.When the second person came we played video games.After that we had Turkey for lunch........

It was so big and not only was it big but it was also fleshy.Then the fourth person to come and we played video games.We played video for a long time.I wasn't sure how long we played it but I am sure it was more than an hour.We stopped playing video games when the fourth person went back home.After that we went to a restaurant and the food we ordered is in the picture so don't ask.......
After eating we saw a bunch of entertainer and I think they were setting up an advertisment.After that we just took a walk around in the nearest supermarket.It was fun but at the same time it was very tiring.At the end we said goodbye to each other and went home.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mystery person 2

Today I am going to have a riddle with you......again.See if you can guess who this person is.And don't forget to post the answer in the comment box.Are you ready people?!The riddle goes like this............
I was born in 1931 in Oklahoma. In 1951, I joined the New York Yankees and played with them for 18 seasons. I helped my team win seven World Series and had a lifetime total of 536 home runs. I was elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1974.
Who am I?
People,If know the answer staight awythen you need not this hint but if do not know the answer then the hint is......his name is same with a famous disney character.Good luck with the answers people.

Monday, November 2, 2009

special card (01-11-09)

Today I went to watch "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs."It was kind of good.Even though the line was long I got the tickets.I got free tickets.It was because my parents register some kind of set which I think is from EON bank.Inside the set there is a visa card but has the Logo of GSC(Golden Screen Cinema).Besides that there is also another card which I think is a credit card.The movie is about a boy who is a nerd and everybody in his class laughed at him.He thought he could not do it but his mother encouraged him.His dream was to help his town and he suceeded.That's all I can tell you or else when you watch it may feel boring to you.Itis getting late and I think I better sleep.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Cellmeeting in Ikano(30/10/09)

Today I went to Ikano for cellmeeting.I went there with my cousins.In Ikano we ate delicious food.We can get free chocolate which is very delicious.I enjoyed my food and so did my cousin. We wanted to watch a movie but there was a problem with the laptop.We played games there because there was nothing else to do.One of my friends brought something which looks like a log and inside there is also something which looks like chocolate but do not get fooled.I wasn't chocolate it was slime.Anyway time pass so fast and I went back home.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

(28-10-09)A bad day=C

Yesterday is a bad day.Before going to school I was very tired.And in school the whole class was grounded because of somebody.In case you do not know his name his name is Jeremy.As I told you we celebrated children's day last Friday the decoration was still staying there and this guy tore it down.We could escape the grounding but this guy didn't even throw the decoration in the dustbin.The teacher punished us by cleaning the whole school.She told if she sees a rubbish the we will have to community service again tomorrow.This totally sucks.After school I wanted to eat tea.Maybe it wasn't that bad after all,I got to eat Korean food=P.But I didn't get to shower:C. Even in tuition my mother picked me up late.What a bad day.I am glad it's over.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Skipping school(27/10/09)=D

Today my mother did not want me to go to school because in school we get to have free time the whole day.I bought two books.Well actually it was two in one.I read the books in starbucks.My mother slept for two hours.I also brought my rubix cube with me to play in the car because I know I will get bored in the car with nothing to do.Even in Borders I played with it.Not only did I buy a book but I also bought a science magazine.Thank God.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Mystery person

Today I am going to have riddle with you guys.Are you ready?And could you guys post the answer in the comment box?The riddle goes like this.
"I am a blind and deaf girl.I am very naughty.My parents are very rich.
A lot of my teachers quit the job as the one who teaches me because of me.
My favourite teacher is the one who was very patient with me.Even when
she was married I stayed in her house.She and her husband even allowed me.
Who am I?"
Before you read the story please think first.This story is gonna give you a lot of hint so read carefully.This a true story.There was a blind and deaf girl and her parents were spoiling her.The parents gave her what she wants.Many teachers quit because of her.She was not only naughty but also rebellious.Only one teacher suceeded.That teacher was absolutely patient.The teacher taught her how to use braille.Her favourite author was none other than Mark Twain.She stayed with her teacher even when her teacher was married.The teacher and her husband allowed her.The teacher and the student loved each other very much.So think carefully guys and becareful with your choices.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

technology geek (24/10/09)

Today a guy named Alex help me up upgrade my play station portable.It took a long time to do so.He put in cheats which is kind of good to me.He is very smart in technologies.He put in extra games for me.One was english and one was Japanese.The games were actually same except for the language.This computer has virus and that is why it took such a long time to upgrade my play station portable.Alex taught me how to do the cheat and I tried it out.It worked and not only did he do that but he also changed my background.Suprisingly,he lost his own play station portable.Thanks Alex......very much.

Friday, October 23, 2009

children's day(23rd oct.09)

Today I had lots of fun.In school we need not do anything because it was children's day.It was so fun.We get to play sheraddes.Then we put straws on our teacher's hair.It was a match between the boys and girls.We won because the score was 168-166.Our score was 168.After that we had a food competition.This was the exciting part-Eugene and Eason.Who will win?The winner is.......Eugene.I lost because I was too full.Next we played Limbo.Though,it was kind of boring.Finally,we played bamboo dance.My shoe got stuck twice.It was sort of fun and I hopeI won't get my shoe stuck again.We then got our party packs and we also helped to clean the class.After that I went home.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Creating awareness

Today when I read the newspaper I saw something funny.I saw a picture of workers in a giant trolley.It wasn't that big but it was big enough for 3 models and 3 human beings.The trolley was upside down so the workers can't escape.Although I have been thinking why the workers volunteer to go under the giant trolley.Their work was to tell shoppers where the food and goods are.It was placed outside the European Union headquarters in Brussels.I wonder how they can be so creative to make money.Maybe one will appear in Malaysia one day.You never know.........

Sunday, October 18, 2009

human-plastic ballons(18/10/09)

Yesterday I read the newspaper and found something interesting."Human shaped plastic ballooons floating at the concourse of Tokyo's Haneda,as public art installation yesterday.Tokyo university Michitaka Hirose and his labaratory staff exhibited their various artworks at the airpot in their Digital Public art project,called 'Airport' which will be held until November 3."What do you think of that?Ain't it awesome?I wish I could go to Japan and see the Human shaped plastic balloons.

Friday, October 16, 2009

God's blessing ..(16-19-09 )

Today I went to a stemboat restaurant.Although I hate steamboat,this time it was delicious.....the foods there are barbeque chicken wing,fishball,noodle and.........finally smoothies.I didn't realize I ate fourteen barbeque chicken wings until my friend counted the chicken bones and told me.After eathing steamboat I took the oreo ice crem and stir it.It became a smoothie and it was so tasty:D.
Three mushroom heads...... It was a fun day.I hope I can go there again next time with my friends.The reason I say that is because of the food.Instead of followng my dad I had to follow my sister's friend because my dad left earlier than us.We arrived at our destination and said goodbye to sister's friend.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Free Me(15-10-09)

WooHoo!Today I am free.My exams are over.I am so happy.During the exam I was nervous.My place was freezing cold.The exams were difficult.It was harder than the last exam.Well I was glad it was finally over.It was a disaster for my art exam because.......There was too much glitter.Second there were annoying feathers all around me.Get it now.Anyway I don't really care about my _______ exam.Guess what exam I don't really care about.I if you find the answer just post the answer on the comment box.Hey let me see whether you can figure out if this watch is fake or real.........

If you know the answer just post your answer in the comment box.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy(10-10-09)

Today I'm going to talk about the similarities John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln.The similarities are......
-Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. -The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters.
-Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860.John Kennedy was elected as president in 1960.
-Both of them were assasinated on a Friday.
-Both of them were assasinated by southeners.
-Both wives lost their children while living in the White house.
-Both succesors were named Johnson.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

my English (07-10-09)

I got a distinction for my english ICAS exam.I got fourth place.I felt very happy to get distinction.Last year I got a credit for my english but got distinction for computer skills.But this year I got participation for my computer skills :C.Too bad.I think I will try harder next time.But because I got distinction my mom deciced to buy me two books :D.Exam is also near.I better study hard for my subjects.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Live Blood Analysis

I found something on the newspaper which was interesting and the topic is called Live Blood Analysis.The micropy system was invented by Robert W. Bradford.It should be science.Dr Quek said"without proof that such tests have caused harm,there is little the MMA(Malaysia Medical Council) can do."If you want to know more just search in Google.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

moon cake festival

(3-10-2009)Yesterday was the moon cake festival.We had a family dinner.We ate steamboat.After my cousins finish eating they played chinese chess.We also played lantern.But my lantern was burned by my own candle.So my naugthy cousins decided to burn it even more.They said it was barbeque.After that the eclipse appeared.We could see the full moon.It was very exciting.My sister took the photo.Then I slept...........Zzzzzzzzzzz

Mother's day


I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died....... Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!