The Expendables 2 is a sequel to The Expendables and can be formed in one word.The word is awesome.It stars Sylvester as Barney Ross and he is one fantastic actor.It starts with the Expendables saving Trench and helping Trench's client to safety.After that,Barney is confronted by Mr Church to retrieve a case from a destroyed plane.The mission goes smoothly with the help of tech genius Maggie until a gang which call themselves the Sangs shows up and kills Billy the kid.Wanting to avenge Billy,Barney decides to destroy the Sangs.Barney then finds out from Maggie that item in the case is a blue print of an underground mine which consists plutonium.They then camp at an abandoned town nearby a village terrorized by the Sangs.After being ambushed by the Sangs,they manage to defeat them with the help of a legend known in the mercenary world,Booker.After that incident, they travel to a village and help them defeat a group sent by the Sangs to take away the children.After helping out,the expendables go and attack the Sangs in the underground mine.However,they get trapped themselves when the leader of the Sangs blow the place up.What happens next?Watch and find out.
DIARY of a Wimpy Kid
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
War horse
The war horse starts when a man buys a splendid horse.However, he is not that rich and he needs a working horse instead of this horse.His wife is angry at him for wasting their money on the horse.However,their son(Albert) insists on keeping the horse and he trains the horse to plough the field.Although the horse did well,it was meant for nothing because the rain destroyed their turnips which were suppose to earn them the money to pay for the rent.So,to survive,Albert's father sold the horse to the Captain Nicholls who promised very well to take care of his horse and make sure that it stays alive to Albert.During training,the horse forms a relationship with another horse.Unfortunately,when they were in action against the Germans,Captain Nicholls died and the the two horses were kept hostage by the German army.A German soldier in charge of the horses is worried about his underage brother who is going to war snatches his using the two horses but is killed on the way to Italy for desertion.Meanwhile,the two horses who are in the windmill are discovered by a french girl and are taken care of.However,they find themselves into trouble again as the German army confiscates the horses for the sake of war.Fortunately,they are put under a man who cares for horses.After four years,the horse's friend finally dies of exhaustion.Then the main horse runs away as a tank approaches.What do you think will happen next?Will the horse die or survive?Watch to find out.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Trip to China(part 2)
We had to wake up very early in the morning because we had to take a plane to Harbin.We took 2 hours to reach Harbin from Beijing.The temperature in Harbin was so low as the weather was so cold that my water in my bottle froze just after a few minutes.In the city,it was negative 32degree Celsius which is already considered cold to me what more negative 40 degree Celsius in the village.The food in Harbin was also very terrible for example;the rice is not cooked properly,the bread has no taste,the soup tastes like hot water and the meat tastes like shit.For those people who are picky about food, I advise you to never visit Harbin unless you want to fork up plenty of money just to eat good food like McDonald,KFC and Pizza Hut.However,the scenery in Harbin is really fantastic and awesome so I would advise naturalists to visit Harbin.I find skiing the best thing we did in Harbin because it was so fun when we come down from the hill.The uncomfortable I found about skiing is the shoes were too tight for me but I could nothing but bear with it.I really liked Harbin and I was quite sad to leave Harbin.I really hope I can visit it again one day.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Trip to China(part 1)
We had to wake up early in the morning to catch the plane.I was really excited to go to China because it is a very nice country.When we reached Tianjin,we had to take many trains to go to Beijing cause we wanted to save money.When we reached Beijing we first checked in to our hotel.The hotel was not bad and the service was not bad either.We had dinner outside and the food was not bad too but the price they charge highly unreasonable so we did not eat much food.On the first day,we did not do much but on the second day we climbed up the great wall of China.Not the whole thing of course but part of it.It was so cold on top of the great wall and so chilly until my friend's water bottle froze.When we came back we felt so exhausted.So after we ate dinner we had a great rest.I had two fantastic days in Beijing.Thank God for blassing me.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
My new school (08/01/2012)
I shifted school recently and when I went to the orientation,I was frightened.Boy,there were so many students in my class I don't know.Fortunately,I found someone I knew there.I felt so relieved and I was overjoyed when he recognized me as a student from Sri Sempurna.He too was a former student from Sri Sempurna before he moved to Sri Kl.He moved to Sri Kl because the discipline in Sempurna regressed tremendously.I might actually agree with him cause I feel the same way too.However,the main reason I left is because the programme in the secondary school is terrible and so my mom sent me to Sri kl.During the orientation,I felt so nervous because there were very little new students in the class and I was one of them.After that,the older students showed us around and that made me so nervous because the school is so big and enormous.I feel so afraid of starting Sri Kl .They even have a book just for the rules.However,I believe God will help me in the new school as he helped me in the entrance exam.Thank God.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Water rafting in Ipoh
A fey days ago,I went to Ipoh with my friend again.However,this time,we only went for a one day trip only.So,I woke up up early in the morning and bathed with cold water.Brrrrr.It was so cold.When I arrived at my friend's house I felt overjoyed to see my friend again. This time,we went with his cousins on his father's side instead of his mother's side.It was actually quite weird meeting his cousins.It's actually quite uneasy a they actually only mingle with their own siblings.When we reached there I felt so excited because I remembered the last time came here I was so fun.This time.I was a little bit disappointed because the water level was not really high and we travelled less distances than the last time I came here.However,to make up for the loss,they did something new with us.We did bodyrafting and it was alright and relaxing.after that it was time to say goodbye to the place.I really enjoyed it.god really blesses me a lot and also helped me a lot too.Thank God for everything.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Youth Camp (Part 3)
On the last day of the youth camp,I kind of overslept again.However,it was not only me who overslept,my room mates overslept.In fact,I woke up the earliest among them.After everybody was awake in our unit,we all left for the prayer meeting except for my cousin cause he was sick and had fever.After we arrived I told our senior about it and we went to my sick cousin and gave him panadol.Then the senior came back and taught us about the holy spirit,the soul and the body.He told us that the spirit should be bigger than the soul but nowadays the soul is bigger than spirit.We do not control our emotions and get really sensitive.Then he also told us that our life span has become shorter because there is too much sin in the world nowadays.He the life span of the people before our lifetime had a longer life span than us.Then we had nasi lemak for breakfast and it was delicious.After that,we had our last praise and worship in genting view.After that we all left for lunch.Lunch was not in genting view anymore.We had lunch at a chinese restaurant.It was so good for me as we finally had pork in the camp.It had been three days I had gone without pork.After that,we went home.Thank God for the youth camp.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Youth Camp (Part 2) 16/12/2011
On the second day of the youth camp,I woke up at seven in the morning and I felt very tired because I did not get enough sleep.In the morning we had prayer meeting and me and my friend were late for it.Fortunately,we were not the only ones as the girls were also late.In fact,they were actually later than us because they were the latest to arrive.We learned how to devote ourselves to God.After that we had nasi lemak for breakfast.It turns out after we we gave our complaints to Caleb,the food started to get better and better.After having our breakfast,we played the amazing race organized by Kimberly and Liza.The Amazing Race they organized is just like the television show.Just shorter.First we had to blow 15 balloons.After we receive our second clue,we had to get wet.I'm not going to explain because it is just to complicated.Then,we had to choose between two durians or a watermelon.Our group chose a watermelon.Our next task was to take pictures of random people.After we're done,we had choose between eating and throwing marbles into a paper cup.We chose eating and we had to eat crackers with wasabi in it.Then we had to take super ring biscuits with flour all over it using our mouth and transfer it to the next bowl.The last task was very embarrassing so I'm not gonna say it.Then we went home and had a hot bath which was so good.Then we had dinner than praise and worship and finally lights out.
Youth Camp 15 /12/2011
I went to my church's youth camp and it was sure fun.On the first day of camp,we had the briefing and was given two mazes to complete.John was the first person to complete it.After that, we had lunch but the food was the terrible.The egg the chef cooked had no taste at all.After that, we complained to Caleb who is in charge of the food.Then we had icebreaker games organized by Eric.The first game was to make sure the ping pong balls make it to the basket through two strings.Then we played another game where a member of the team had to shake until the ping pong balls in the tissue box tied to the representative comes out.The objective of the next game was to throw the ping pong into the paper cup.The last game was the most exciting.It was charades.Then we had dinner.After dinner we had praise and worship and then Pastor Elaine preached to us.It was about making a deal.You can choose either to make a deal with either God or the devil.She also gave us an example:If someone-offers you a hundred thousand for your old a car, you can accept it or take the second deal which is to receive a million dollars under a few conditions.The conditions are to give back the hundred thousand dollars he just handed you.Secondly,you must wait for a week to receive the money and cannot use the car for at least a week.This is the message she gave.Then we had supper and went to sleep
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
My reward for achieving straight A's(06/12/2011)
I am so happy to have achieved straight A's for my UPSR.I should give credits to my parents because they took a lot of effort in helping me with my studies and also used a lot of money for my tuition fees.I also have to thank my school teachers for teaching me well and putting a lot of effort in being patient with our class.Anyway,I must thank my mum because she got me a playstation 3 as a reward for my hard work.The cost of the playstation 3 was quite and she sacrificed a lot to buy it.Her time and her money.The playstation 3 is actually a very good game console and is much better than the older models of playstation such as playstation 1,playstation 2 and playstation portable as the graphics are way more realistic.The controlers are wireless as they use bluetooth so it's very convenient.However the bad thing about it is that the games are much more expensive and the controllers need to be charged once they run out of battery.However,I am still very thankful to my mum as she bought me this very awesome reward for me.Thanks!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Ipoh trip 01/12/2011
I woke at six because we had planned to go to Ipoh.The first day was awesome.I think it was the funnest day during the holiday.We had river rafting and it was totally awesome.We totally got wet because the waves were so rapid.We went in dry but came out wet.Soaking wet.One of the boats got stuck on a rock so we everybody had to stop at a point.Everybody from that boat had to jump out to the river in order for the boat to get going.Nobody got injured thankfully.Afterwards my friend's sister fell down due to a branch that was blocking the way.The got hit by a branch while saving my friend's sister.The next day,went to the lost world of tambun.It is a mini replica of sunway lagoon.Malaysians should know sunway lagoon.It is much cheaper because there is very limited rides available.On the third day,we went cave trekking.The tour however was very short.Before I finish off here, I want to praise Ipoh for their coffee and food.It's really delicious and the food from Kuala Lumpur is nothing compared to the food in Ipoh.Thank God for this trip.
Friday, November 25, 2011
In Time (25/11/2011)
In Time is an interesting movie.It starts with Will Solace narrating that now people use time as currency and they will die if their time runs out.He also says the rich can live forever and the poor dies young.Will then meets his best friend,Borel in a bar and Borel tells him that the guy next to him has drunk all night long.Suddenly a gang comes in and plans to steal the guy's time.Will Solace saves him and discovers that his name is Henry Mortimer and he is a over a century old.When they were sleeping,Henry Mortimer,who is sick of being alive transfers most of his remaining time to Will.In the morning,Will finds out and attempts to save Henry but it was too late.Will than gives Borel 10 years as they have been close friends.Bad news is that the timekeepers(cops) think he murdered Henry Mortimer.When he goes to New Greenwich,he gambles and earn a thousand years.He goes to a party and the timekeepers track him down there.They then confiscate his time with two hours left.Suddenly,he escape and kidnaps Slyvia.However on the streets the minuteman ambush him and steals most of Sylvia's time.Both of them then starts a life of crime and steal from the time banks. Will Solas also kills the minuteman.Unfortunately,one of the timekeepers catch them but times out after neglecting to replesh his time.Then,both of them takes the car and renew their time.The end.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Shocking UPSR result for me (22/11/2011)
Last week,God really blessed me.I never expected to achieve straight A's in my UPSR because the subject Bahasa Melayu was in my way.I was never good at it for I lacked interest in the subject.However,the beginning of the year was a changee as my tuition teacher helped me improve in my Penulisan.It was good news,but there was still Pemahaman in the way.It was really tough for me to focus on my Pemahaman as I was not good in Malay Grammar.My highest score in Pemahan before I sat for the UPSR was only 60 marks which I consider it quite poor.When the UPSR was over.I handed the objective paper to my tuition teacher and I thought I got a B.I thought I had not much chance of getting full straight A's but God helped me a lot.On the day I was supposed to go to school and collect my UPSR results,my mom received a message saying I had 5 A's.She did not believe it until another teacher sent another message congratulating me for achieving straight A's.I was stunned.We went to school to get the certificate and it was true,I GOT STRAIGHT A'S!!!I could not have done it if it weren't for God.THANK THE LORD!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Speech Day(20/11/2011)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
BB Junior Camp(Pt.2) 13/11/2011
Early in the morning,we woke up because we had morning devotion.After that we had had breakfast in the canteen.It was toast and ham.Later,we played a game which is actually kind of boring.The second game was much better in fact.We had cooking competition.Everybody had to participate.We cooked omelet with various types of ingredients in it.After cooking we had to practice what to do for talent time while the judges test the omelets.We decided to act out one of the officers in the junior camp.We organized it quite well.After that,we were invited to eat our own omelets.Then we were suppose to practise what we had for talent time and things did not work out so well so we decided to change it to dancing.After that we had treasure hunting and we collected quite a number of snacks.Then we played with water balloons.Everybody was throwing at each other but I avoided the the water balloons and shielded myself with a bucket so I did not get real wet.After we cleaned up we practiced again for our talent show and changed it into singing.Then we did our talent show,watched a movie and go to sleep.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
BB Junior Camp(Pt.1)
I arrived at the school 15 minutes late for the camp.I was a little embarrassed at first but I was quite fortunate as it hasn't actually started yet.The first activity which we did playing a game called icebreaker.Later we also played a game where we had to take the first letter from everyone's names and make a meaning out of it.After that we played a game where we had to build a fortress out of chairs,rafia strings and a sleeping bag.Next,we went into the dorm and arranged our stuff.Lunch was quite simple but delicious.We had syrup for tea and I knew that wasn't much but it was alright.At night we had steamboat for dinner and it was kind of delicious.After that,we proceeded in the activity room for praise and worship.Later,we watched a movie about God and it really taught me something.Then,we had supper and lights off.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
flood in Bangkok(03/11/2011)
Bangkok is under a dangerous situation now.The floods are severely damaging the area.The people in those area seriously need help.I warn the people who are interested to visit Thailand postpone their plans for Bangkok.I also advice people who are staying in Bangkok to evacuate the area and stay somewhere not affected by the flood.This flood I hope will go down soon so that the people who are living in Bangkok can live peacefully.However,the flood might take sometime to go down because I think the water level is increasing instead of decreasing.I pray that the flood will not do so much damage.The flood is also affecting Thailand's economy because Bangkok is Thailand's capital.I pray that everything will return back to normal as soon as possible and also pray that Thailand will recover quickly from their damages and losses.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
The three musketeers
It all starts when D'artagnan picks a fight with the well-known swordsman,Rochefort.Rochefort,without taking any effort,takes a pistol and shoots him.In the nick of time,a lady stops Rochefort from killing D'artagnan.In order to get revenge,he picks a fight with Arthos,Porthos and Aramis not actually knowing that they are the three musketeers.When soildiers arrive to stop them,D,artagnan fights them of and soon the musketeers join in.However they were no match as the soldiers are large in numbers.They are brought to the king to decide their fate.The cardinal insistes in executing the troublemakers but the king was too impressed and spares them instead.Milady and the cardinal plots to steal the queen's jewelry and plac them with the duke of buckingham. so that the queen will be executed for treason and the king will have no choice to go to war with England.However,the queen discovers the plot but still canot accuse him as she does not have enough proof.Fortunately,her lady in waiting,Constance tells Dartagnan to help which he does with the company of the three musketeers.Will they be able in retrieving the jewelry before war breaks out?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Real Steel (21/10/2011)
Charlie Kenton who owes money to loan sharks earn money through illegal robot boxing.One day,he loses and owes 20000 dollars to Ricky.After the fight,he is informed that his ex wife died and he is responsible for his son.His sister in-law and her husband wants Max(his son) and he makes an agreement with the husband of his sister in-law.In a condition that Charlie takes care of Max while they are away on a honeymoon.He buys Noisy Boy, and fights Midas and ends up losing to Midas.He then breaks in a junkyard with Max to find metal scraps to build a new robot.Max finds an old robot and brings it back.They found out that the robot can bear a lot of damages but barely does any damage on it's opponent.Max convinces Charlie into helping him train Atom(the robot Max found)to fight.Atom's name grow and Charlie and Max is invite to compete in WRB.They face twin cities and they beat Twin Cities thanks to Charlie's knowledge of boxing.Max was excited and challenges Zeus (the champion of the WRB).When,they exit the stadium,Ricky robs all his money.Feeling guilty,Charlie sends Max Kenton to his sister in-law.However,Bailey tells him that he can be a better father.He then takes back Max and gets ready for one last fight.Atom VS Zeus.Whou would win?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Big Bad Wolf (17/10/2011)
Last week,I went to the Big Bad Wolf sale with my good friend,Henry.It was so awesome because all the books there were guaranteed cheap.Everybody there was holding a box just to buy the books they wanted.I bought over a hundred books and I felt so excited.I am ever so grateful to my mom for taking me to this bookshop.I also thank my dad because he used his budget to pay for those books I bought.My friend also bought plenty of books.After we finished picking our books,we had time to read books from the bookshop.After we paid for the books,we webt to eat pizza at the food court.If you thought we ate a local branded pizza,you are wrong.If you thought we ate pizza hut,then you are right.There was a pizza hut truck infront of the food court so we could get delicious food.I ha da fantastic day at the bookshop sale.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steve Jobs (06/10/2011)
Just Yesterday,a great man just passed away from cancer.His name was Steve Jobs and was the founder of Apple.His childhood has always been tough.His biological mother gave him away for adoption and made sure that the person that was taking him in had to put him in college when he grows up.However he dropped out of college because he felt bad wasting his foster parent's money.After he dropped out,he took classes that interested him.However,he had no place to sleep and he would usually sleep on the floor of his friend's room.He then ate once a week.However,he took calligraphy class cause it interested him.That calligraphy class made him design the Macintosh.When he was thirty,he got fired from Apple.How can he get fred from the company he started?He hired a young and brilliant man to work wit him but things didn't go to the way he planned.They turned against him and he was fired.Later,he joined back when Apple bought his company neXT,the company which he created after he was fired.That made him a member of Apple once again.The closest he has been to death is when he had cancer.The doctor said that it was impossible to cure and he better say his farewells.Fortunately,the doctor tookm out a cell and observed.There were tears coming out from his eye and he said that Stve Jobs can be cures with a surgery and lived.His word's were"Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish".If he said anything true and advicive,is that death is a destination that we all share.So don't live other people's life but live you own.
Monday, October 3, 2011
A special day(03/10/2011)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A fun day(01/10/2011)
Today was a fantastic day.I was invited to go to my friend's house to eat dinner.When I went there,my friends were busy playing video games.We ate food like beef,rice and chicken soup.When we were done we entertained ourselves by playing video games.Then,we were served with ice cream.The ice cream was really good as it was tropicana.When we finished our ice cream,we were sent doown to collect the biscuit from the car because my friend's sister left the biscuit in the car.We felt that it was unfair but we did it anyway.The bisciut was quite delicious and tasty.Then it was time to go home.I tried to convince my mother to allow me for a sleepover but it failed.So we all went home in the end....:-(
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Horse riding(29/09/2011)
Thursday, September 22, 2011
After UPSR(22/09/2011)
Finally,UPSR is over.UPSR is actually a major exam in Malaysia and it is compulsory for all 12 years old who is under Malaysian syllables to take it.It was tough but like they say"when the going gets tough,the tough gets going".I was really nervous on that day.However,after UPSR I felt as free as a bird.Actually,UPSR is not really that scary.It is just the bad results you get that will horrify you.The good thing about UPSR is that it actually prepares you for high school. Although it might not be as important as PMR or SPM,it's still good to try our best in our exam.Now I'm absolutely free.Not really,as I still have tuition to prepare me for next year.However,since UPSR is over I will blog more often although I would blog as often in my recent years as I still have my final exam.That's all and god bless all of you.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Johnny English Reborn(19/09/2011)
Lats Saturday,I went to the cinemas with my friend to watch Johnny English.It is about a agent who retired because of a failed mission.However,MI7 needs him back to prevent the assassination of the Chinese president.He goes to Hong Kong with the assistance of Tucker.He is suppose to find out about the truth of the plot from Titus Fisher who dies when assassinated for telling the plot to Johnny English.He gets the key that prevents the plot but loses it to a steward who is secretly working for vortex.He gets the help from a colleague to track down the second key.However,he first has to confront Karlenko.He plays golf with him but Karlenko also gets shot by the assassin who killed Titus Fisher.Before he dies,he reveals that to Johnny English that the third key is with an agent in MI7.Johnny English gets framed and is wanted by the MI7.Will Johnny English find the traitor before it is all to late.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Cowboys and Aliens(20/08/2011)
The movie starts with an unknown stranger in the desert.He wakes up without any knowledge and doesn't even know his own name.He then come across some criminals and kills them.Later he goes to the a town and a priest treats his wound. The stranger then confronts Percy,the son of the colonel and gets him into trouble.The sheriff throws Percy into prison.However,the sheriff discovers that the stranger is actually Jake Lonergan,a well known criminal.He also captures Jake Lonergan and throws him in prison.At night,the colonel finds out and charge into town.He demands for his son.However,aliens attack and abduct Percy,the sheriff,the doctor's wife and many other people.Jake Lonergan uses his alien tech and shoots down an alien spaceship.The colonel brings his men to take back the people.Jake Lonergan joins him.On the way they come across Jake Lonergan's old gang.Then another alien spaceship attack.He manages to kill the alien but fails to save Ella.When they regroup,the red indians find them and captures them.when Ella's corpse was thrown into the fire,she resurrects and confessed that she is from another planet where she is the only survivor.She took a form of a human o save the human race.After that the indians form an alliance with the Colonel and decides to attack the aliens.Will they be successful?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Ice skating in Sunway Lagoon
Last week,I attended my friend's birthhday party at sunway lagoon.I ice skated in the rink with some other friends I know.At first I was really nervous because I did not really know how to skate.Fortunately for me,my friends wo knew how to skate guided me.Soon,I was able to skate without the help of my friends.Although,I know how to skate,I still wasn't very good and fell a couple of times.Fortunately for me,there was Jeremy,one of my friends who doesn't know to skate at all there.If not for him,I would have been a laughing stock..After ice skating,we went to pizza hut to eat.I was in awe at the food he ordered.Pizza,chicken wing,spaghetti,garlic bread and mushroom soup.After eating,we cut the birthday boy's cake.By the way,his name is Yan Ren.The cake he ordered was so delicious it almost made me a drooling idiot.I then left early because I had to attend an extra class.The birthday party will almost be an enjoyable memory to me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Transformers3 (DARK OF THE MOOON) 25/07/2011
On saturday,me and my freinds went to the cinema and watched transformers:Dark of the moon.It is basically about cybertron,the home planet of both decepticons an autobots.The ark crashes into the moon so the autobots search for the pillars and survivors.They found sentinal prime still alive and bring him to earth.Meanwhile Sam is mad for being unable to get a job.After that,Sam gets a job and his collegue tells him some stuff about the decepticon's plan.However,the decepticons found out and killed him.Sam goes and calls Simmons.They both gather information and finds out that the decepticons were planning all of these.Sam goes and warn the autobots.However,it was too late .Sentinal prime kills Ironhide and reveals that he is working with the decepticons.At night,Carly is angry with Sam because he does not want to attend her boss' party.Sam comes back to tell her something.Unfortunately Dylan reveals that he is helping the decepticons.He kidnaps Carly as a hostage.Sam then goes back mad.Then a message was sent to the goernment.It informed them to exile the autobots or the decepticons will destroy the humans.The humans exile the autobots in a rocket.Suddenly the rocket gets blown up.In Chicago,the decepticons backstab the humans and kill many people.Sam and his friends go in there to save Carly.Will they escape alive?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Bersih rallies.....10/07/2011
Yetserday,it was a very special day as Bersih 2.0 rallied all over Malaysia.Over 100,000 people joined the rally which caused roadblocks everywhere.Most of the people who joined the demonstration wore yellow in colour.It was a really dramatic day as the police used tear gas and water canons to chase the opposition away.Many people were arrested for participating in the rally.However they will be relesed tommorow because the demonstration did not really cause many big problems or big damages.Anwar,the opposition leader sustained injuries in the rally and is now in the hospital waiting to be released.At least thats what the newspaper says.The party marched from 11:52 in the morning until 3:16 in the evening.Although,the police attacked the partcipants with tear gas and water canons,the people regrouped at a point and started rallying.In the end,however,the participants could stand no longer and declared a truce with the police.Soon evrybody went home an the streets were silent.I hope nobody died during the demonstration.Although,the lost out in the end,you just have to see those brave people stand their ground.They truly behaved like Malaysians.You have to admire their courage.I just pray that nobody was seriously injured(excluding Anwar).
Sunday, July 3, 2011
A unforgettable day(03/07/2011)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Father's Day (2011)
During Happy Father's day,I played violin in the church..It was a really good experience for me to play in church with partners Gerard who is playing the flute and Sumae who is playing the guitar plus the whole choir and the solos too.All of us did very well and no mistakes were played by us musicians as well as the choir plus including the solos.It went really smooth.I was not as nervous as the time when I played in school.I guess it's because I prayed before I played the violin.Nothing went wrong.Our tune was not out.After that,I had to attend the leadership academy.After leadership academy,we went for a family dinner to celebrate father's day.We went to a Thai restaurant which was so delicious no words can describe how I felt about the's extravaganza.During the dinner,I found out thing I did not know about my father.I found out that he loves Thai food the most when I actually thought that his favourite food was Chinese food.Besides that information,I found out that when my father met my mother in Japan,they usually go and eat dinner at a Thai restaurant.That's how much I found out from the dinner.The food,as I said was extravaganza had been cleaned by us.The beef was especially nice and not to mention,SPICY!!!Anyway,HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO YOU,DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(pink is my dad's favourite colour)
Sunday, June 19, 2011
My BD Party (2011)
Yesterday,I celebrated my birthday party at Galactic Laser.It was so fun but it cost my mother plenty of money.However if you ask me,I'll say it's worth it all the while.I invited 15 of my friends but some of the couldn't make it so I was quite dissappointed.Although some of my friends didn't make it,we continued without them.It was so fun because we got to divide into two teams but however we lost.In the second round,things got more heat up and it so much more fun.In the begining the red team went in first but I knew where they went and I went up through the other side and shot them all.However,in the end we lost.After two missions were over,we started eating and talking to our friends.After wishing me a happy birthday,all my friends went home except Le Chi,Kendrick,Joshua,Jonathan and Henry who followed me home.We had so much fun as we were parent-free.I then opened up my presents which are MPH vouchers,a Monopoly set,a bottle,a spy science kit,a bag and a nerf gun.All of my presents were fanatstic and I was so thankful to my friends who gave me the fantastic gifts.After that,one-by-one all of my friends wnt.When the last ones were gone I went to have a good sleep.
Monday, June 6, 2011
X men first class( 06th JUNE2011)
Yesterday I watched X men:first class.It was a really cool movie.It starts when they show Erik in a German concentration camp.The Nazis force him away from his mom and tries to lock the gate when he has some kind of mysterious force over the gate.Then,an officer who's name is Shaw witnessed all this and ordered to control the coin as he did to the gate.However,as Erik could not do it,he shoots Erik's mom in front of him and Erik gets mad.So he kills two soldiers by crushing their helmet which they are wearing.He also messes up the office.Meanwhile,Charles Xavier meets Raven also a mutant like him.After they become adults,Erik hunts for Shaw while Xavier meets up with a CIA agent who is called Moira MacTaggert.They team up together to hunt down the bad mutants.Shaw on a boat with Emma Frost,Riptide and Azazel meets an enraged Erik but Emma Frost throws him of the boat.Then,they see soldiers coming.They plan to attack the soldiers but Erik controls the anchor of the boat to destroy the boat itself.Fortunately for Shaw and his team,they manage to escape to their submarine.However,Erik tries to follow.Charles Xavier stops him from drowning himself and they become friends.Then,Xavier,Erik and Raven meets at a government office.They plan to recruit members to bring down Shaw and his evil scheme which is to start world war 3.They find Hank(mutant lab rat),Darwin(taxi driver who can adapt to the surroundings),Angel(who can fly) and Sean Cassidy( who creates sound waves).While Erik,Charles Xavier and Moira MacTaggert are on a mission to kidnap Moira MacTaggert which they succeeded in doing so,Shaw and the other members excluding Emma Frost manages to convince Angel to help them.Then,all of the mutants gather at a place where they now live to train as much as they can.During the last mission,all of them face danger.Will all of them make it alive and ruin Shaw's plan to start world war 3?
Saturday, May 28, 2011
BB Camp (part1) 28/05/2011
I went to a company camp organized by the Boy's Brigade.It was so fun and the price was also reasonable.Actually,it was already very because it was suppose cost over RM1,000 but we only payed RM300 including the payment for food.Plus,we were staying in Eagle Ranch which is a really nice place.We had plenty of activities but most of the games were organised by Benjamin.Anyway,the first thing we did when we arrived is check out the rooms we got.I got the most unfortunate thing,I got the log dorm.However,it isn't really all that bad.There are two air conditioners and three fans which made the room very cool.Anyway,we had to gather at the hall.There,we played some games.First we played icebreaker which is basically lining up in order of something.Next we played dragon's tag which was my favourite game.First,we had to make a line.The one in the front was the head and was suppose to snatch the other team's tail.Meanwhile,the last person had to make the tail doesn't get taken away.Our team played defensive and let the other team defeat themselves.Then we were on to the last team,we easily defeat them as they consumed all their energy defeating the other teams.We won all the matches in dragon's tag. (PART2)

(part 3)
It was finally the end of camp.In the morning,all of us woke up early to pack as we were leaving in the afternoon.Then we had a stroll as almost all of us couldn't sleep again.After it was time for breakfast,all of us went to check what the food was.In other words,it was horribbly disgusting.So,also in such a way,I didn't eat at all.After eating they asked all of us to go to the hall for some reason.Then we found out that we were going to have praise a worship.After praise and worship,they asked most of us to give a testimony about this camp.All of us enjoyed and all of us had fun I guess this was a silly question to ask because obviously all of us enjoyed it.Before we went home they revealed the positions.My team,the blue team got first place.After that all of us went home.
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I went to gem island on the 19th of September(Last Saturday).We of course had to sit in the car and then use the motorboat.During the first day we went snorkeling.We can see so many fishes during the trip.Not only can we see fishes but we can also see sea cucumbers,sea urchins,jellyfishes,clams,baby sharks,turtles,glowworms and corals.The jellyfish stung my friend!How angry I was then.I got revenge the next day by throwing stones at the same jellyfish until it died.It was like this before it died.......
Anyway, I must admit I felt guilty when it died.At night we ate dinner at the restaurant.In the morning we ate buffae.I arrived early but one of my friends arrived earlier.His name is..........Henry.In the morning there are lots of fishes.We fed them bread.The fish crowded like this...................The next day we went for a ride in a boat.The boat stopped and we went down to snorkel.The second we did it we saw an enormous clam.It was so big man!But too bad I couldn't go kayaking.I ate dinner and enjoyed my last day there.Before I came back home I saw the sunset.It was so nice.I went back home.The end!